Author Archives: admin

Bored? Knit a square!

And that’s pretty much what I did this weekend.  I also needed squares from my Lovegood blanket over at Hogwarts at Ravelry, where I am a member of House Ravenclaw.  Harry Potter for the win!

So, I decided on two different squares.  The first is a horseshoe cable square.  I like it!  Cables are fun, especially when you read you pattern correctly and it comes out correctly.  Interested in trying it yourself?  Here’s the link to the pattern on Ravelry.

The purple one here is out of my beloved 201 Knitting Motifs, Blocks, Projects, and Ideas by Nicki Trench.  It’s her Kiss block.  It’s quite easy to do.  Here are the project details over on Ravelry.

Knitting Lessons

Deb arrived last night with a pair of US 8 needles and a bright multicolored skein of yarn. I was going to teach her how to knit.

Deb’s grandmother had taught her how to cast on and knit Continental style, rather than the English style that I use. As with learning any new craft, it’s best to do what comfortable for you, so she’s going to be Continental knitter, and that might encourage me to learn that style, too.

She’s pretty good! I gave her a ball of Lily’s Sugar and Cream and started her off on a garter stitch washcloth. Basically, I’m going to be showing her how to read a pattern, decreases and increases, and how to fix stuff.

I’m very happy to have a new knitting buddy! Deb and I have been friends since high school, and I’m glad that she’s joining me in knitting. We knit for a while, and then she left to pick up the kids, with needles, yarn, new project, and one of my books in hand.

I told her to look at how to purl with Continental knitting, and then we’ll start a flat hat. It’s getting a little too warm for hats and scarves right now, but they are still good to practice with and can be stored for when the cold weather comes again.

As for myself, I might give Continental knitting a try. Deb says it’ faster, as others who use the style say. What do you think? English or Continental?

Long Lean Sweater: Week 4

IMG_2014_edited-1I’m still working on the back panel of the sweater, but I have finished the back shaping and hope to start the raglan edging tonight.  Then, on to the sleeves!

Otherwise, not a whole lot to report on my progress.  I did take another few days off on the weekend and knit a sock in that fantastic yarn I got from KareDan Farming Initiative.  It’s just a tube sock, but it looks cute on my foot.  I will publish the finished pair probably sometime next week, as I have to start the second one.

I have next week off as vacation, so, between cleaning binges, I will be knitting and working the sweater.  I also plan on sending off some of my charity knitting as well, and I will tell you about that when the time comes.

October Crafting Ideas

October is one of my favorite times of year.  Well, mostly because my birthday is in the month, but it’s when fall really kicks into gear without being too cold and quite pretty with the foliage.  It’s a great time to get crafting, and here are some ideas that I have come across, along with some ideas of my own.

  1. Go beyond the traditional jack o’ lantern.  Get a kit and carve that pumpkin in a creative fashion.   Make a picture or go for a 3-D look!
  2. Check out this Squidoo lens about Halloween knitting crafts.  I got some great ideas from here!
  3. Join in on Socktoberfest on Ravelry.  Even though I’m just doing tube socks right now, I still am going to join in on the fun.
  4. Get some black and orange beaded jewelry and see what lovely Halloween glam you can come up.  I have my beads ready to go!
  5. Get your own Halloween costume together.  Sewers, this is a great time to show off your talents. has some ideas to get your creative juices flowing.
  6. Start your Christmas crafting.  I know, it’s only October, but the holidays will be here before you know it.
  7. Bake something!
  8. Gather some fall leaves and use them in a creative manner, such as putting them under plastic for a decoration.
  9. Make your own Halloween candy to give to the kiddies and your neighbors.
  10. Create a big birthday present for me.  (Just kidding!)

Hockey and Knitting

I may be a nerd, but absolutely love ice hockey. My favorite team is the Philadelphia Flyers, and I watch whatever game they are playing in that I can on TV. Hockey is the only sport that I will pay money to go see, too.

IMG_1176_edited-1_236x240I also love to knit while I watch hockey. In fact, I get a ton of knitting done while I’m watching it. Last night during the pre-season game versus the NJ Devils, I put a lot of length on that sweater. That’s about two and half hours worth of knitting time that I reserve. It’s my favorite cold weather past time….knitting while watching the Flyers.

I’ve only knit one Flyers-related item, and that this flat hat that I’m sporting here with a cheesy grin. I made this during the playoffs last year.

Here’s to the regular NHL season starting next week, and here’s to plenty of knitting. I can’t wait!

KareDan Farming Intitiative

One thing I love about the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire is all the beautiful artisan products.  Jewelry, glass, blacksmithing, woodwork, they are all at the Ren Faire, but I discovered one place that made me excited.

My friend Joan and I had been at the Faire no less than ten minutes when I saw it:  a line of hanks of yarn drying on a line.  Being that I’m a yarn addict and am attracted to bright colors, I had to go take a closer look.

6190839256_6b2e99305f_mWhat I discovered was KareDan Farming Initiative, a farm where Renaissance farming techniques are practiced.  They are located in Baltimore, MD, and have a stand at the PA Ren Faire.  They have everything from their own honey from their own apiary to soap from the milk of their goats.  Still, my main focus was the yarn.

Their yarn is beautiful.  It is handspun and hand painted, and was sheared from their own animals. There are blends ranging from alpaca to wool.  The hank that my hand went for was a bright blue and orange one of superwash wool sock yarn.  (I know, more sock yarn!)  It came home with me.

Oh, spinners, they sell roving from their animals, too.

Danielle of KareDan gave a quick demonstration of how to shear a sheep using her Shetland sheep, Badger.  Now, Badger’s fleece was too short to be shorn, but she put him through the motions.

I also spent time skirting the fleece previously shorn from Badger, and spent time speaking with Karen of KareDan about their farm and crafting.  I also learned what lanolin is and that is why sheep shearers have soft hands.  I also loved seeing part of the process that shows me how yarn is made.IMG_2008_edited-1

If you are going to the PA Renaissance Faire, please visit their stand.  Other demonstrations are given by Karen and Danielle, too.  There is a lovely herb garden in the back and they have a petting zoo.

I plan on going back towards the end of the season sporting a pair of socks knit from that hank.  In the meantime, I encourage you to take a look at their web site, Facebook, and Etsy site.  These two women are using their animals to the fullest and are preserving Renaissance farming heritage.  I highly recommend checking them out.